Thursday, March 13, 2014

Selenium Webdriver Frame work Folder structure

Automation Framework Design Structure.

·         Perquisites for automation frame work.
·         What are all needed for designing automation framework?

Folder Structure for Automation frame work.

1.       Create a Java Project and add the library files into JRE System Library.
The folder structure will be.

a.       Test Util.Java
b.      Test Data
c.       OR. Properties.
d.      Tests(or Classes).java
e.      Driver Script. Java
f.        Library files
g.       testing.xml
h.      Screen shots.
i.        Test output

Now we will discuss about the frame work how to design and how to work with framework.

  Before that we will discuss about each and every packages (Each script file).
a.       Library Files which need to add...
  Note: No need to download each and every jar. Just download the below jars which contains all from the below given link.


b.      Test
--- This package is mainly deals with utilities. like..

·         Initialize.
·         get Object.
·         waitForElementPopulate
·         WaitForElementPresent
·         waitFor5Seconds
·         typeData
·         getExcelData
·         take Screenshot
·         test Login
·         selectFromDropdown

·         Initialize.  In initialization we need to read the property file data. Like below

      public static void intialize() throws IOException {
              try {
                     props = new Properties();
                     fis = new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\");
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

****** here we have to create an instance for properties and read through file input stream and load the props file .

·         get Object.

      Get object concept will use in the test scripts. Like
   public WebElement getObject(String xpathkey) throws IOException {
              try {
                     return         driver.findElement(By.xpath(props.getProperty(xpathkey)));
              } catch (Throwable t) {
                     System.out.println("error:\t" + xpathkey);
                     return null;
 Here we have to use this method as
getObject(“Xpath given in the property file”).click();
getObject(“Xpath”).getText(); the test scripts

·         waitForElementPopulate : this method will use in case of any
                      public void waitForElementPopulate(String xpathkey) throws Exception {

              int i = 0;
              String expdata = null;
              while (i <= 20) {
                     System.out.println(expdata + "\t" + i);
                     new Actions(driver).moveToElement(getObject(xpathkey)).click().perform();
                     expdata = getObject(xpathkey).getText().trim();
                     if (expdata != null) {
                     } else {

Ex: waitForElementPopulate(“xpathkey”);
·         WaitForElementPresent: It will wait for Element present in the Web page. Until the web element present in the web page it will wait.
       public WebElement WaitForElementPresent(String xpathkey) throws Exception {

              WebElement present = null;
              int i = 0;
              while (i <= 10) {
                     present = getObject(xpathkey);
                     if (present != null) {
                     } else {
                           System.out.println("i is: "+i);
              return present;

Ex: WaitForElementPresent(“propertyfilexpath”);
·         WaitFor5Seconds: it will wait for 5 second to execute a single line or command.

public void waitFor5Seconds() throws Exception {

              int i = 0;
              while (i <= 5) {
                     System.out.println("i is: "+i);
Ex: waitFor5Seconds();
·         TypeData : this  will help you to enter the data in Text field.

      public void typeData(String xpathkey, String value) throws Exception {

              try {
              } catch (Exception t) {
Ex: TypeData(“Xpath from propertyfile”,”Value you want to enter into text field”);
·         GetExcelData(“Xpath”,”SheetName”,”TableName1”,”Tablename2”);
       This method will read the excel data and send the data into text fields in the application.
public String[][] getExcelData(String xlPath, String shtName, String tbName, String tbName1) throws Exception{
           String[][] tabArray=null;
           Workbook workbk = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(xlPath));
           Sheet sht = workbk.getSheet(shtName);
           int sRow,sCol, eRow, eCol,ci,cj;
           Cell tableStart=sht.findCell(tbName);
           Cell tableEnd= sht.findCell(tbName1);
           System.out.println("startRow="+sRow+", endRow="+eRow+", " + "startCol="+sCol+", endCol="+eCol);
           tabArray=new String[eRow-sRow-1][eCol-sCol-1];
           for (int i=sRow+1;i<eRow;i++,ci++){
             for (int j=sCol+1;j<eCol;j++,cj++){
·         takeScreenShot :  This will take the screen shot where you mentioned the below line of code.

  public void takeScreenShot(String fileName,String folderName,String Modname ) throws IOException
       File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//screenshots//"+folderName+"//"+Modname+"//"+fileName+".png"));    

Ex: takeScreenShot(“Filename”,”folder”,”Modname”);

·         TestLogin:  this method useful to direct login to the application.

     public void testLogin(String UserName, String Password) throws Exception {
              if (getObject("login.username.label") != null &&         getObject("login.pwd.label") != null) {

                     typeData("en.distributor.UName", UserName);
                     typeData("en.distributor.Pwd", Password);
                     System.out.println("Clicked on Login button");
 Ex: testLogin(UserName, Password); or testLogin(“Admin”, “111”);
·         SelectfromDropDown:  this will select an option from drop down list.

public void selectFromDropdown(String xpathkey, String value) throws Exception{
              WebElement table6 = getObject(xpathkey);
              List<WebElement> tds6 = table6.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
              for (WebElement option : tds6) {
                     if (option.getText().equals(value)) {

So far we discussed about TestUtil file....
Now we are going to discuss about the test data.

2.       Test Data :
        This is an excel file which contains Test data to test the application. Please find the sample test data file.
·         GetExcelData(“Location”,”SheetName”,”TableName1”,”Tablename2”);

3.       OR. Properties.

      This is very crucial concept need to concentrate . because the properties are stored in the Property file. I will show you the sample.

4.       Tests(.Java files)
             We will check with sample script for Gmail Login.
package Gmail;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import TestUtil.TestUtil;
public class GmailLogin extends TestUtil
       public String location = "path of Xls file";
       public String sheetname1 = "GmailLogin";
       public String Baseurl = "";
       public void setUp(){
              driver= new FirefoxDriver();
       public void GLogin(String UserName,String Password) throws Exception{
       // enter the username and password.
              testLogin(UserName, Password);
              //Click on login button
              takeScreenShot("GmailLogin","Gmailtest", "Gmail");

 @DataProvider(name = "dp")
 public Object[][] createData() throws Exception {
       Object[][] retObjArr = getExcelData(location, sheetname1,
                     "GmailLogin", "GmailLogout");
       return (retObjArr);
5.       TestNg.xml

1 comment:

  1. Nice and good article. It is very useful for me to learn and understand easily. Thanks for sharing
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