Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Selenium Interview Questions

Selenium Automation interview Questions:
1.       What is selenium?
2.       What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?
3.       What is the price of Selenium Tool?.
4.       Where to download the Selenium?
5.       What are selenium components?
6.       How many languages will support to selenium tool?
7.       Why selenium will support to only web based application? Why can’t windows applications?
8.       What test can selenium do?
9.       What does SIDE stands for?
10.   What is selenium 1.0 and 2.0?
11.   What is selenium RC?
12.   What is Selenium IDE and how far it will be useful in automating scripts?
13.   How many browsers will support to selenium IDE?
14.   Why should not we use selenium IDE for entire project to record scripts in order to reduce the time?
15.   How many languages support to selenium IDE?
16.   What are the Advantages & disadvantages of Selenium IDE?
17.   How to test Ajax application with Selenium?
18.   What is the difference between Assert & verify ?
19.   How to verity title using Selenium IDE & RC?
20.   How do you handle the alerts using selenium IDE?
21.   How do you handle the Alerts using Selenium RC?
22.   How do you handle the popup windows using selenium RC & IDE?
23.   How do you assertions in Selenium RC?
24.   How to configure Selenium into Eclipse?
25.   What is the Default port number for Selenium server?
26.   How many ways to run Selenium Server?
27.   How to create instance for Selenium server and browser?
28.   What are browsers will support to Selenium RC?
29.   How many languages will support to Selenium RC?
30.   How to count number links or images in a web page by using Selenium RC?
31.   How to Execute Selenium RC scripts through command prompts?
32.   What are the Exceptions you found when your selenium scripts fail?
33.   How do you handle the Ajax control by using Selenium RC?
34.   How to upload a file by using Selenium RC?
35.   How to read the properties file?
36.   How to read the excel data?
37.   How to write data into Excel?
38.   What are the Selenese commands?
39.   What are the Assertions in Selenium?
40.   What are the Accessors in Selenium?
41.   What is Wait for commands in Selenium?
42.   How do you capture a screen shot using Selenium RC ?
43.   How to get the properties of a web element in a web page?
44.   What are the developer toolbars need to get the properties in Firefox and IE browser?
45.   What are the functions using Selenium RC?
46.   What are the locators in Selenium?
47.   What is Xpath? What are different types of Xpath?
48.   What is difference between Absolute path & Relative path.?
49.   How do you handle the dynamic changing elements in web page by using selenium?
50.   How do you handle the Java Script alerts using Selenium?
51.   What is Selenium Web driver?
52.   What is the difference between Selenium RC& Web driver?
53.   What are the methods in Selenium Web driver?
54.   What is HTMLunit driver in Webdriver?
55.   How to get number of row and column using Selenium web driver?
56.   How to create a browser instance in webdriver?
57.   How to maximize the browser by using Selenium Rc  & Web driver?
58.   How to get the Title of web page using Selenium Web driver?
59.   How to handle alert using Web driver?
60.   How to handle the Popup and multiple windows using webdriver?
61.   How to test Ajax based applications using Selenium webdriver?
62.   How to handle the Java Script alerts?
63.   Can I Test mobile application by using Selenium?
64.   Can I automate Google maps using Selenium ? if not why?
65.   Can I automate reading the PDF files or word doc?
66.   How to do mouse over operations using Selenium RC & Webdriver?
67.   How to handle the UntrustedSSL Certificates using Selenium Webdriver?
68.   What is context Click on Selenium Web driver?
69.   What is Desired Capabilities?
70.   What are the built in Frame work supports to Selenium?
71.   What is Framework?
72.   Why do we use Automation frame work for Automation tool?
73.   What is data driven framework?
74.   What is modular framework?
75.   What is key word driven framework?
76.   What is hybrid framework?
77.   What is the Difference between in Junit & TestNG? And which one is better to use why?
78.   What is page object in selenium?
79.   Do you have any idea about Cucumber?
80.   What is the difference between SetSpeed and thread.sleep?
81.   How to refresh a web page by using selenium web driver?
82.   How to maximize the browser using Selenium web driver?
83.   How to select a value from dropdown? How many ways to select the same?
84.   How to select checkboxes in dropdown?
85.   How to count number of items from Drop down?
86.   How to print number items from drop down?
87.   What is Fluent wait in Selenium webdriver?
88.   What are listeners in Selenium?
89.   When do you go for automation?
90.   How many ways to skip a test case in TestnG?
91.   How to skip the test case in Junit?
92.   What is dependsonmethod in TestnG?
93.   How to multiple classes using TEstNg?
94.   What is groups in TestNG?
95.   How to run multiple classes using Junit?
96.   What is Data provider in TestNg?
97.   What is parameter in TestnG?
98.   How to execute my tests in a Sequence order?
99.   If I don’t use priority what is another solution to execute the tests in Sequence?
100.                        What are the annotations using in TestNG?
101.                        What is the difference between Before and BeforeClass?
102.                        How to upload the image by using selenium web driver?
103.                        What is AUTOIT?
104.                        Can we Automate capcha?
105.                        What is the Difference between Explicit wait and implicity waits in Seleium web driver?
106.                        What else you know apart from Selenium tool?
107.                        What are the reporting tools for Selenium?
108.                        How do you generate the effective test report by using Selenium?
109.                        Do you know about maven?
110.                        What Is Ant?
111.                        Can we do performance testing using selenium and how?
112.                        What is selenium GRID? Why we have to use Selenium GRID and how to install the same?
113.      What is the difference between "GET" and "NAVIGATE" to open a web page in selenium web driver?

114.                        How to double click on on particular element using Selenium Webdriver?

115.                        How to close the browser instance using RC& web driver?

116.                        How to test flash based application using Selenium?

117.                        How to click on hidden link by using Web driver?

118.                        What are the different types of driver implementation?
119.                        How to delete the cookies and disable the cookies using webdriver?
120.                        What is Object Repository in Selenium ? how do we maintain those?
121.                        How to take the screen shot using web driver?
122.                        How to handle the multiple windows using Web driver?
123.                        How to switch from one frame to another frame?
124.                        What is the difference between findelement & findelements in web driver?
125.                        What is the default time out of Selenium Ide?
126.                        I want to download a Zip file into a particular folder?
127.                        What are the jars requires for Selenium tools.
128.                        What is the difference between jxl.jar and poi.jar?
129.                        Name 5 different exceptions you had in selenium web driver and mention what instance you got it and how do you resolve it?
130.                        How do you manage the code versions in your project?
131.                        What is the difference between path and class path in java?
132.                        What is java script executor in Selenium?
133.                        What is the difference between driver.Close() and driver.Quit () method?
134.                        In what situation selenium finding element get fails?

TestNG - Can i use the 2 different data providers to same @test methods in TestNG?

public Object [][] dp1 () { return new Object [][] { new Object [] { "a" , "b" }, new Obje...